ESDU STRUCT 02.01.03:1977
Average and Edge Stresses for Thin Flat Aluminium Alloy Plates in Compression
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
ESDU | 1977-08 | 7 |
ESDU Struct 02.01.03 gives a graph of the average stress (load divided by cross-sectional area) plotted against the edge stress in the direction of loading applicable to values of the plate width to thickness ratio greater than 60. The empirically-derived formulae are given from which the curves were calculated using values for Young's modulus of 70 000 N/(metre squared) and for Poisson's ratio of 0.3. The data apply to a plate with edges restrained by sturdy stringers and include no allowance for the effect of initial irregularities. ESDU 71005 provides similar generalised data but for various values of lateral elastic edge restraint and for a lower range of edge stresses, while an alternative presentation of those data in terms of the buckling stress appears in ESDU Struct 02.01.23.