11.080.99 – Other standards related to sterilization and disinfection – PDF Standards Store ?u= Wed, 06 Nov 2024 02:59:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 ?u=/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-icon-150x150.png 11.080.99 – Other standards related to sterilization and disinfection – PDF Standards Store ?u= 32 32 JIS Z 2811:2021 ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-z-28112021/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 02:59:51 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/jis-z-28112021/ Test method for repetitiveness of bacteria reduction activity
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2021-03-22 23
This Standard specifies the testing method of repetitive disinfection effect on bacteria found on the surfaces of products that have undergone “repetitive disinfection” processing and are used by many people, mainly at nursing homes, hospitals and schools, and also used in environments requiring special consideration in terms of maintenance for environmental health reasons.

This Standard is applicable to plastic products, metal products, ceramic products and the like, and does not cover textiles, soft foamed materials such as sponges, and products utilizing such materials.

DIN EN ISO 11137-3:2017 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/din/din-en-iso-11137-3/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 16:51:25 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/din-en-iso-11137-3/ Sterilisation von Produkten für die Gesundheitsfürsorge - Strahlen - Teil 3: Anleitung zu dosimetrischen Aspekten der Entwicklung, Validierung und Lenkung der Anwendung
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
DIN 2017-11 55
ISO 11137-3 gibt eine Anleitung zur Erfüllung der Anforderungen von ISO 11137 1 und ISO 11137 2 und ISO/TS 13004 hinsichtlich der Dosimetrie und ihrem Gebrauch bei der Entwicklung, Validierung und Lenkung der Anwendung eines Strahlensterilisationsverfahrens.*Inhaltsverzeichnis

DIN EN ISO 11137-2/A1:2021 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/din/din-en-iso-11137-2-a1/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 16:51:24 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/din-en-iso-11137-2-a1/ Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Part 2: Establishing the sterilization dose - AMENDMENT 1
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
DIN 2021-02 31
This part of ISO 11137 specifies methods of determining the minimum dose needed to achieve a specified requirement for sterility and methods to substantiate the use of 25 kGy or 15 kGy as the sterilization dose to achieve a sterility assurance level (SAL) of 10-6. This part of ISO 11137 also specifies methods of dose auditing to demonstrate the continued effectiveness of the sterilization dose. This part of ISO 11137 defines product families for dose establishment and dose auditing.

DIN EN ISO 11137-2:2015 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/din/din-en-iso-11137-2/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 16:51:23 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/din-en-iso-11137-2/ Sterilisation von Produkten für die Gesundheitsfürsorge - Strahlen - Teil 2: Festlegung der Sterilisationsdosis
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
DIN 2015-11 92
Im vorliegenden Teil von ISO 11137 werden Verfahren zur Ermittlung der Mindestdosis, die zur Erfüllung einer festgelegten Anforderung an die Sterilität erforderlich ist, sowie Verfahren zur Bestätigung der Anwendung von 25 kGy oder 15 kGy als Sterilisationsdosis zur Erzielung eines Sterilitätssicherheitsniveaus, SAL, von 10-6 festgelegt. Dieser Teil von ISO 11137 legt auch Überprüfungsverfahren für die Sterilisationsdosis zum Nachweis der fortgesetzten Wirksamkeit der Sterilisationsdosis fest. Dieser Teil von ISO 11137 definiert Produktfamilien für die Festlegung der Sterilisationsdosis und die Überprüfungen der Sterilisationsdosis.*Inhaltsverzeichnis

DIN EN ISO 11137-1:2020 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/din/din-en-iso-11137-1/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 16:51:23 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/din-en-iso-11137-1/ Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Part 1: Requirements for development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
DIN 2020-04 63
ISO 11137-1:2006 specifies requirements for the development, validation and routine control of a radiation sterilization process for medical devices. Although the scope of ISO 11137-1:2006 is limited to medical devices, it specifies requirements and provides guidance that may be applicable to other products and equipment. ISO 11137-1:2006 covers radiation processes employing irradiators using the radionuclide 60Co or 137Cs, a beam from an electron generator or a beam from an X-ray generator. ISO 11137-1:2006 does not:specify requirements for development, validation and routine control of a process for inactivating the causative agents of spongiform encephalopathies such as scrapie, bovine spongiform encephalopathy and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; detail specified requirements for designating a medical device as sterile; specify a quality management system for the control of all stages of production of medical devices; specify requirements for occupational safety associated with the design and operation of irradiation facilities;specify requirements for the sterilization of used or reprocessed devices.

CAN/CSA-Z317.13-17:2017 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/csa/can-csa-z317-13-17/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 14:42:50 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/can-csa-z317-13-17/ Infection control during construction, renovation, and maintenance of health care facilities (Including revision history of 2018)
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
CSA 2017 148

This is the fourth edition of CSA Z317.13, Infection control during construction, renovation, and maintenance of health care facilities. It supersedes the previous editions, published in 2012, 2007, and 2003. It is part of a series of Standards related to health care facility engineering and sets forth preventive measures intended to protect patients, staff, and visitors from disease transmission and other health problems, such as allergic reactions, that can be produced by the construction, renovation, or maintenance of health care facilities.

The first edition of this Standard was based on Construction-related Nosocomial Infections in Patients in Health Care Facilities: Decreasing the Risk of Aspergillus, Legionella and Other Infections, published by Health Canada in 2001.

Changes to this edition include the following:

a) new and revised requirements for cleaning of construction sites and building components, both during and after construction;

b) expanded new requirements for wall materials and design in areas subject to moisture;

c) updated requirements for monitors and alarms to maintain relative pressurization at construction sites;

d) reorganization of the existing annexes, and creation of new informative annexes to provide sample checklists and additional guidance;

e) revised clauses on the use of the building’s HVAC system for air supply to construction areas;

f) revised requirements for cleaning and testing of construction air handling units (CAHUs) between uses;

g) new requirements to prevent contamination of water systems during construction activities;

h) additional requirements around orientation and training of personnel working on construction sites;

i) additional information on roles and responsibilities of infection prevention and control personnel and the MDT; and

j) new and revised requirements for post-construction evaluation and documentation.

CSA Group acknowledges that the development of this Standard was made possible, in part, by the financial support of the governments of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Québec, Saskatchewan, and Yukon, as administered by the Canadian Association for Drugs and Technology in Health (CADTH).



This Standard specifies precautionary and remedial measures, including quality system requirements, for preventing exposure to agents released or augmented because of actions undertaken during health care facility construction, renovation, maintenance, and repair work.


This Standard is intended to apply to the activities of the following individuals or groups in relation to any aspect of construction, renovation, maintenance, or repair of health care facilities:

a) commissioning teams;

b) constructors;

c) infection prevention and control personnel;

d) architects, engineers, and other design and construction consultants;

e) planning and project managers;

f) facility managers and maintenance managers;

g) environmental services staff;

h) health care staff;

i) occupational health and safety professionals; and

j) operation and maintenance staff.


This Standard applies to all types of health care facility construction projects, no matter what construction delivery method is used (e.g., stipulated sum, public-private partnership).


This Standard has been developed for use during the project specification phase of construction, renovation, and maintenance and repair projects, and to assist in preventing and controlling fungal and bacterial infections during the implementation of such projects.


In this Standard, shall is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the Standard; should is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and may is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the Standard.

Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material.

Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements.

Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or informative (non-mandatory) to define their application.

CAN/CSA-Z317.13-F17:2017 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/csa/can-csa-z317-13-f17/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 14:42:50 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/can-csa-z317-13-f17/ Lutte contre l’infection pendant les travaux de construction, de rénovation et d’entretien dans les établissements de santé
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
CSA 2017 164
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Ce document constitue la quatrième édition de la CSA Z317.13, Lutte contre l’infection pendant les travaux de construction, de rénovation et d’entretien dans les établissements de santé. Il remplace les éditions précédentes publiées en 2012, 2007 et 2003. Ce document fait partie d’une série de normes sur l’ingénierie des établissements de santé et énonce les mesures de prévention visant à protéger les patients, le personnel et les visiteurs contre la transmission de maladies infectieuses et d’autres problèmes de santé, comme des réactions allergiques, qui peuvent être provoqués par des travaux de construction, de rénovation ou d’entretien dans des établissements de santé.

Certaines petites erreurs trouvées dans la version anglaise de cette norme ont été corrigées dans cette publication.

La première édition de cette norme était basée sur le document Infections nosocomiales chez les patients d’établissements de santé liées aux travaux de construction : Atténuer le risque d’aspergillose, de légionellose et d’autres infections, publié par Santé Canada en 2001.

Voici les principaux changements apportés à cette édition :

a) exigences nouvelles et révisées relatives au nettoyage des chantiers et des éléments de construction, pendant et après la construction ;

b) nouvelles exigences concernant les matériaux et la conception des murs dans les aires exposées à l’humidité ;

c) mise à jour des exigences visant les appareils de surveillance et les alarmes assurant le maintien de la pression relative sur les chantiers ;

d) réorganisation des annexes existantes et création de nouvelles annexes informatives afin de donner des exemples de listes de vérification et des renseignements supplémentaires ;

e) articles révisés concernant l’utilisation du système de chauffage, de ventilation et de conditionnement d’air (CVCA) du bâtiment pour la distribution d’air aux aires de construction ;

f) exigences révisées concernant le nettoyage et les essais des appareils de traitement de l’air de construction (ATAC) entre les utilisations ;

g) nouvelles exigences visant à prévenir la contamination de l’eau pendant les activités de construction ;

h) nouvelles exigences concernant l’orientation et la formation du personnel travaillant sur les chantiers de construction ;

i) renseignements supplémentaires sur les rôles et les responsabilités du personnel chargé de la prévention et du contrôle des infections et l’équipe multidisciplinaire (ÉMD) ; et

j) exigences nouvelles et révisées concernant l’évaluation et la documentation post-construction.

Le Groupe CSA tient à souligner que l’élaboration de cette norme a été rendue possible, en partie, par le soutien financier des gouvernements de l’Alberta, de la Colombie-Britannique, du Manitoba, du Nouveau-Brunswick, de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, des Territoires du Nord-Ouest, de la Nouvelle-Écosse, du Nunavut, de l’Ontario, de l’île du Prince-Édouard, du Québec, de la Saskatchewan et du Yukon, administré par l’Agence canadienne des médicaments et des technologies de la santé (ACMTS).

Domaine d’application


Cette norme prescrit les mesures de prévention et correctives, y compris les exigences applicables à un système de qualité, à mettre de l’avant pour prévenir l’exposition des personnes à l’émission ou à l’augmentation des agents en raison d’actions entreprises pendant les travaux de construction, de rénovation, d’entretien et de réparation dans un établissement de santé.


Cette norme s’applique aux activités des personnes ou groupes qui suivent à l’égard de tout aspect relatif aux travaux de construction, de rénovation, d’entretien et de réparation d’un établissement de santé :

a) les équipes de mise en service ;

b) les constructeurs ;

c) le personnel chargé de la prévention et du contrôle des infections ;

d) les architectes, les ingénieurs, et autres experts-conseils en matière de conception et de construction ;

e) les planificateurs et les chargés de projet ;

f) les directeurs d’établissement de santé et les directeurs des services d’entretien ;

g) le personnel des services d’hygiène et de salubrité du milieu ;

h) le personnel affecté aux soins de santé ;

i) les professionnels en santé et sécurité au travail ; et

j) le personnel de l’exploitation et de l’entretien.


La présente norme s’applique à tous les types de projets de construction dans des établissements de santé, quelle que soit la méthode de construction utilisée (p. ex., marché à prix forfaitaire ou partenariat public-privé).


Cette norme a été élaborée en vue de servir à l’étape de l’établissement des spécifications pour des projets de construction, de rénovation, d’entretien et de réparation, et d’appuyer la prévention et le contrôle des infections fongiques et bactériennes liées aux travaux de construction pendant l’étape de mise en œuvre de ces projets.


Dans cette norme, le terme «doit» indique une exigence, c’est-à-dire une prescription que l’utilisateur doit respecter pour assurer la conformité à la norme ; «devrait» indique une recommandation ou ce qu’il est conseillé mais non obligatoire de faire ; et «peut» indique une possibilité ou ce qu’il est permis de faire.

Les notes qui accompagnent les articles ne comprennent pas de prescriptions ni de recommandations. Elles servent à séparer du texte les explications ou les renseignements qui ne font pas proprement partie de la norme.

Les notes au bas des figures et des tableaux font partie de ceux-ci et peuvent être rédigées comme des prescriptions.

Les annexes sont qualifiées normatives (obligatoires) ou informatives (facultatives) pour en préciser l’application.

CAN/CSA-ISO 11137-F98 (C2003):1998 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/csa/can-csa-iso-11137-f98-c2003/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 14:24:05 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/can-csa-iso-11137-f98-c2003/ Stérilisation des dispositifs médicaux - Prescriptions pour la validation et le contrôle de routine - Stérilisation par irradiation
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
CSA 1998 76
Domaine d'application

La présente Norme internationale établit des prescriptions pour la validation, la maîtrise du procédé et le contrôle de routine de la stérilisation des dispositifs médicaux par irradiation. Elle est applicable aux irradiateurs gamma à fonctionnement continu et discontinu utilisant les radionucléides 60 Co ou 137 Cs et aux irradiateurs utilisant un faisceau en provenance d'un générateur d'électrons ou de rayons X.

Des annexes sont également incluses afin de fournir des informations supplémentaires.

La présente Norme internationale ne traite pas de la conception des installations, de la réglementation, de la formation de l'opérateur et des facteurs de sécurité liés à l'irradiation. Elle ne permet pas d'évaluer si un produit est apte à répondre à l'usage auquel il est destiné. L'utilisation d'indicateurs biologiques pour la validation ou le contrôle du procédé ainsi que la réalisation d'essais de stérilité avant la commercialisation du produit ne sont également pas couvertes, car elles ne sont pas recommandées en matière de stérilisation par irradiation.

CAN/CSA-ISO 11137-98 (R2003):1998 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/csa/can-csa-iso-11137-98-r2003/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 14:24:04 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/can-csa-iso-11137-98-r2003/ Sterilization of Health Care Products - Requirements for Validation and Routine Control - Radiation Sterilization
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
CSA 1998 75

This International Standard specifies requirements for validation, process control and routine monitoring in the radiation sterilization of health care products. It applies to continuous and batch type gamma irradiators using the radionuclides 60 Co and 137 Cs, and to irradiators using a beam from an electron or x-ray generator.

Annexes are also included to provide supplementary information.

Facility design, licensing, operator training and factors related to radiation safety are outside the scope of this International Standard. It does not cover the assessment of the suitability of the product for its intended use. The use of biological indicators for validation or process monitoring, or the use of sterility testing for product release, are also not covered, as they are not recommended practices for sterilization.

ASTM-E2314:2008 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/astm/astm-e2314-3/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 07:16:36 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/astm-e2314-3/ E2314-03(2008) Standard Test Method for Determination of Effectiveness of Cleaning Processes for Reusable Medical Instruments Using a Microbiologic Method (Simulated Use Test)
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ASTM 2008 6

1.1 This test method is written principally for large medical instruments or instruments with internal channels or recesses (for example, flexible endoscopes) but may be used for any resuable medical instruments.

1.2 This test method describes a procedure for testing the efficacy of a cleaning process for reusable medical instruments artificially contaminated with mixtures of microorganisms and simulated soil.

1.3 The test method utilizes bacterial spores as tracers for foreign materials and quantifies their removal as a means of determining the efficacy of a cleaning process.

1.4 The test method is designed for use by manufacturers of medical instruments and devices. However, it may also be employed by other individuals who have a knowledge of the instruments, techniques and access to appropriate facilities.

1.5 Worst-case conditions can be represented by exaggerating a specific test parameter or otherwise intentionally simulating an extreme condition such as performing the test without cleaning solutions or utilizing instruments which are not new.

1.6 The test procedure is devised to determine the efficacy of a cleaning process as applied to a particular instrument or group of instruments by simulating actual use situations.

1.7 The test procedure may be performed on test instruments using a complete cleaning cycle or be limited to particular phases of the cycle such as precleaning, manual cleaning, automated cleaning, or rinsing.

1.8 The test procedure is normally performed on a number of external and internal sites, but it may be restricted to one particular site on the instrument.

1.9 A knowledge of microbiological and aseptic techniques and familiarity with the instruments is required to conduct these procedures.

Note 1Because contamination of the surfaces of instruments may occur as a result of rinsing with tap water, bacteria-free water should be used for all rinsing when a water rinse step is part of the cleaning directions.

Note 2Test methods to determine the effectiveness of cleaning medical instruments has only recently been actively debated, and research efforts are in their infancy. Because published experimental results are scarce, it is premature to dictate experimental reagents, conditions or acceptance criteria.

Note 3The total elimination of the target organisms is not the goal of cleaning. Therefore, there will almost always be a number of microorganisms surviving on the test instruments unless one of the solutions or processes disinfects or sterilizes the test instrument. The results of various clinical and laboratory tests suggest that cleaning processes alone can produce a 10 2 to 10 4 log 10 reduction in bioburden. The exact reduction will depend upon the precise experimental conditions. The criteria for judging cleanliness should be determined and recorded before initiation of the test procedure.

Note 4This test protocol employs target spores as indicators or tracers for foreign materials and monitors their removal by the cleaning process. It is certainly possible that other particulate target materials, such as microbeads (latex beads) could be used in place of microbes. These alternate approaches would be more practical in those circumstances where microbiological expertise is limited.

1.10 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.

1.11 This standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Scope
2 Referenced Documents
Summary of Test Method
3 Significance and Use
5 Report
6 Precision and Bias